they are pleasant people…

sandwiched between a swanky arts school and 80’s built commercial buildings it’s easy to miss DECK, the SIPF 2014‘s festival village. built by stacking cargo containers to a functional form it’s purpose is to provide space for artistic endeavours, with a focus towards photography. a short hour’s time i was there and already i can feel that the place is (wo)manned by persons with passion about the arts (and the people who come visit). gives a warm fuzzy feeling. 🙂

“Types: After Becher” is the current exhibition to run along the SIPF 2014 at DECK with a multitude of photography works hailing from different parts of the region and a diverse mix of stories; a combination to lose myself spatially and let my senses wonder.

hopefully can convince some groups to organize stuffs here. i just fell in love with this place.

oh. remember this? well it was just a plan is it now? long story short: i love their gestures thereafter. like!

they are pleasant people…

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