Past in the Present – a photo journey in Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin. One of the last few places in Singapore to set sail into “modern”-hood. No road leads to the island, so by dependable old ferries we travel there.

Organized by Shriro, a distributor of Hasselblad, Zeiss and Geitzo amongst other things (fruits jams!) the photowalk was led by the calm confidence that is Keith Low, founder of Pictorial and current Fujifilm X-Photographer. Phew. That’s quite a fair bit of name dropping.

Yea. That’s him. 🙂

We reached Pulau Ubin early-ish and the locals are just about to set about their day proper.

Coffee stall is still waiting for it’s first customers but to Chek Jawa we have to head to…

…20 photogs with gears cramped into 2 mini buses. 😀

With some leg work to reach the boardwalk.

I’ve personally not been to Chek Jawa myself but I have read about how it is a virtually untouched mangrove, a haven for a wide variety of wildlife. Other than an Otter family frolicking and a few handsome birds, the high tide concealed most of the mangrove creatures that day.

The setting of the place itself is some grand visual display in itself however.

I swear I could just be there the whole day just to capture the ever changing spectacle.

Back in “town”, a much awake version, for us to tuck in and share the day and experiences.

There’s so much more to explore and discover on this little island. The kampung where the locals live, the west side of the island we didn’t visit and Chek Jawa all over again when it’s low tide… plenty of possibilities but I guess that’ll be excuses for me to come here in the future. 🙂

(P.S.: shots taken with XF18mm and XF35mm on X-T1. XF60mm was also brought along but wasn’t used at all; this may be the first time I got a hang of using wide glasses.)

Past in the Present – a photo journey in Pulau Ubin

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