metal & grease

as clockwork as machineries goes, there’ll still be schedules for them to be inspected and maintained. at times they just choose to breakdown.

for any you and me’s (motorheads, car/bike enthusiast, DIY road users and the likes excluded) these downtimes are probably the only times where the mechanic comes into mind.

what they probably may lack in terms of “proper” “certified” education, they definitely have a gift in fixing up vehicles that went out of order. be it from listening to the tune of the engines, feeling for surface imperfections or even an off-scented exhaust making their nose twitch; they just seemed to have a sixth sense to source for the problem.

and when it’s fix-up time, all gloves are off! solutions are at their fingertips and so is the work that is required to be done. some cases take longer than others. that’s understandable. because in the end our metal beasts will be off running as they should be again.

(this post is a tribute to the people at Republic Motors for the reliable and often fun times i have servicing my bike there. thank you.)

metal & grease

never yield

colours have faded. seats probably not deemed to be as comfortable as it was before. what used to be for breezy rides in town now mainly a storage compartment for “stuffs”. the heyday of rickshaws are over. moving public radio no more.

what’s left is it’s shell. like a faithful horse loyal to his master it shall continue serving till it’s dying moment. working wheels, sturdy frames, and a shiny horn for safety (or to call customers). that’ll be enough.

never yield

colleagues’ night out, in monochrome

everyone needs a break. even if we do enjoy our job, some time-out here or there just got to happen to dust off the weariness from the daily grinds. and if doing so helps in making the workplace a better place to look forward to day in and out, wouldn’t that be a plus? 🙂

colleagues’ night out, in monochrome


everyone got their own views.


more often than not, their outlook to life is very much influenced by their upbringing. or history. nurtured. education?



everyone got their own views. on any given issue or matter on hand individuals weigh in on options they can deal with out of their own accord.

i think sometimes a solution to problems can be found only, and only if we change our angle of approach. i think we can try to put ourselves into each other’s shoes.



i think it’s worth a shot. it’ll be a struggle, but i’ll try.


(i’ll never be able to get the last 3, if i didn’t use something wider.)
