tourists at home – pt.2

truth be told, I was pretty bored with the colours/scenes/yea of Singapore’s shopping belt. it could be that most of the time I wasn’t taking time to explore the nooks and crannies of this busy bustling stretch.

knowing that Library@Orchard just opened underneath where we were having our staycation some exploring is definitely in the agenda. set a time limit with wifey, and we’re off lost in this mazy artsy library.

see that wall on the right? editions and editions of magazines!

wifey got some thriller/crime novels to wait meals with.

myself? some design/photog magz to maybe light something up there.

tourists at home – pt.2

never yield

colours have faded. seats probably not deemed to be as comfortable as it was before. what used to be for breezy rides in town now mainly a storage compartment for “stuffs”. the heyday of rickshaws are over. moving public radio no more.

what’s left is it’s shell. like a faithful horse loyal to his master it shall continue serving till it’s dying moment. working wheels, sturdy frames, and a shiny horn for safety (or to call customers). that’ll be enough.

never yield

a sundate and a first

so. after a year or so after getting my x-e1 (and that’s after a year of wishful lusting) i’m back on board why?

because sometimes posting them only on flickr don’t do them pics justice. well sometimes.

it’s just that even if the sequence have been organized properly, or sets have been made, some just require that bit of storytelling.

like this kitty. rubbing itself on me with intent, but not allowing me to take of snap of it’s pretty face. a yawn shall do.

anyway. a year passed have only been a school for me in terms of my photography. still much to go. still early days.

what I find interesting, I snap. my view of why they are interesting anyway.

nature. man made. natural. street. design. architecture. events. knick knacks!

sundate! morning walk, breakfast (coffee!), transit, and some decision making in ikea. about a month left till it’s D-day for me and missus. crunch time to prep and iron things out.

busy busy times. yet here I am, restarting a blog. golly.
